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Text by Janna Moya / Photography by Chit Lacson

WADAB SLAP X TAG – last Sunday, August 25, 2013, a gathering of unlikely people earned casual glances from passersby and men in uniform alike, an all too appropriate response from a once-deserted-lot-turned-street-art-haven. The event was composed of some of the elusive graffiti and sticker artists whose works we see as fixture for urbanscapes around the city. The event left no dead air as artists and enthusiasts were kept busy with sticker exchange and general horseplay.

Ra, one of the organizers of the event, said that what inspired them to stir up the gathering was seeing stickers from artists they did not personally know. With Davao’s art scene being mostly a network of friends and acquaintances, it was essential and practical that events such as these were attended by people you know, or are acquaintances of the people within your art circle. A good example for this would be the poster for the event which stated the area of rendezvous as, “secret spot near Mormon’s Church.”

When asked about the area, he says that they have tried contacting the owner of the private lot however there was no response. Being caught by the authorities is one of the risks that everyone in attendance should be aware of. As the interview went on, the overlapping sounds of conversation and merriment almost flushed out the distinct sound of paint roller on uneven concrete.

As the LIEU team left, the lot was transformed into an open gallery of street art with virtually no space within arm’s reach that was not without graffiti, sticker or wheatpaste poster.

The LIEU team would like to thank Ra and Maze for all their help.

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