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Father's Day to Do List

Text by Aidx Paredes

As teenagers, it is unavoidable to have awkward moments with our parents. For others it is especially difficult to open up, play around and be like friends with our dads. With dads being the leaders of our households, we must give them the respect that they deserve. But also with fear of disappointment and disclosure, the respect line becomes a boundary that means our dads just can't possibly be like our fun, and outgoing friends.

Make this year's Father's Day extra special for you and your dad. Why don't we try to erase what sets us apart and have fun with them? Let's make them our ultimate barkada and treat your dads like they can be the coolest friend ever. They would surely love that!

Here are a few things you should try doing with your dad.

(Note: This doesn't only apply on Father's day. Try doing these every once in a while.)

This would really be awkward for boys, but why don't we take them to a special place and treat him like a king? Grab a few bottles of beer, take him to a burger joint, and talk to him like you talk to your friends! Treat him like your king because he took care of you like a prince.

As for the princesses, forget your boyfriends for a day. Ditch the dude and take your dad to the movies. Make him watch films on an actual cinema, hold his hand and make him feel even more special than your boyfriend. After all, you know he loved you first.

In a generation where communication is done digitally, writing would be considered special. Cut a part of your allowance and buy him a special card and write about how much you love your dad. If he's away or abroad, don't just send him a text; send him the letter instead. Snail mails could be more appreciated than lazy copy pasted letters.

Dads are always busy with work so for them, there is limited time for shopping. Spare him the dreadful trip to the shopping mall and do it for him instead. Buy him a shirt that he could wear to work or special dinners. Buy him a shirt that would make him so proud when people tell him his shirt is nice because his child bought it for him.

A way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Learn to cook his favorite food and make him feel loved by making him burp.

If you don't know how to cook, apologize in advance but make sure to try because in the end, that's what's more important.

This would only take a few seconds of your day. It might be the shortest conversation you will have, but make it last a long, long time. When love is said, it is a confirmation of humility. Swallow the pride, or awkwardness, and let him hear you say that you really love him.

Those are a few ways of making your Dad happy. Make sure to do at least one and put more effort when you do it. Remember it's for a special man, and it is important to let him know that you love him while he's there.

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